Net2phone for free phone calls to the US!? Call any phone in the world from your PC Computer!

Net2phone nettophone international webphone internet telephone long distanceWith net2phone from IDT you can call toll-free 800 or 888 numbers in the US from any country in the World. For free telephone calls, at no charge. Best international long distance rates! Even if you live in a high rate country!

  1. net2phone in German net2phone in German language]
  2. If you already know about net2phone, you can go directly to Net2phone Website, check Net2phone Rates or do Net2phone download

With net2phone's internet telephony (IP telephony) you dial from your multimedia computer to any phone in the world. The phone call gets transmitted via the internet, like an internet telephone. Once the phone call reaches IDT's switch, it is send over normal phone lines to its destination.

This explains the amazingly cheap international low phone rates.  With Net2phone (nettophone, "net to phone", "Internet to Telephone") you can call any normal phone directly from the Internet. This type of internet telephone, unlike other web phones, does not require the other party to be connected to the Internet. It connects to his regular phone.  No matter from which country you call, the rates are the same. Even from high phone rate countries like Brazil, Thailand, Mexico.  To Germany, Britain, cost 10 cents per minute, USA 10 to 15 cents per minute (*please verify the rates at net2phone rate table from the link in the colored box below). Unfortunately, in the countries with high telephone rates, internet access is often very slow. Net2phone works well only with good internet connections.

Other computer telephones cannot connect to regular telephones or cell phones. Example: NetPhone WebPhone WebTalk Internet Chat PowWow CU-SeeMe NetSpeak FreeTel Internet Phone InSoft Internet Telefone. Compare also IConnecthere (Deltathree), and IP Telephony Hardware: computer and laptop cards that allow you to improve sound quality and plug a real phone or even cordless phone into your computer.

US based long distance click here for phone info  for US residents
Read below if you reside outside the USA

US based long distancelive in US?
Cheaper long distance phone calls with Callback German Germanygerman
Discount international long distance telephone with Callback Portugal Brasilportuguês

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Phone info  for US residents
FAQ, Explanations
International country codes
Telephone Services Overview
Business Opportunity
Cell Phone
Phone cards for Travellers
Net2phone cheap via internet
FAX, virtual office      

Dennis Rodman

Instant info Autoresponder:


Who is

Summary: Due to excellent rates, instant web billing, and self-administration via internet I recommend TelCan Callback.  Net2phone has some excellent rates, but requires PC and good internet connection. Traveltel für frequent international Travellers. MCI card works almost everywhere in the World
Rate Search machines: for quick comparisons,1) TelCan ,2) Boomerang, debittalk, Net2phone. 3) Cognigen, Kallback.
TelCan Callback

TelCan Website

TelCan Rates

TelCan Signup

TelCan Callback: +++++ Excellent rates. TelCan's website allows you to change callback number, trigger callbacks, check your instantly updated bill online instantly. You can even talk to a real customer representative on the phone, free anywhere in the world.  Pay credit card, check, wire.
Callback by Boomerang, Debitalk 




Callback can be used anywhere in the World.    Compare Boomerang Callback and Debitalk prepaid. If you request the "follow me" option at signup, then boomerang can be used from all phones in the US with 800 access. Both have interesting rates for cellphone owners in Europe and elsewhere.
Calling cards

Call from the USA

Call from ouside the USA

Cognigen cards from USA

Calling cards by Nobelcom to call from any country in the world (yes they also sell MCI cards). Rates from US are unbelievably low,like US$ 0.02 to São Paulo, Brazil (connection charge applies)]. Also check calling cards from cognigen from the US. Best you read my Calling Card Info page so you understand the tricky small print, like connection charges.


Net2phone Website

Net2phone Rates

Net2phone download

Net2phone: Call any telephone in the world from your computer.  Incredibly low rates. Same rates no matter which country you call from.  From anywhere in the world no charge to US 800, 888 numbers. Under 10 US cents per minute to the USA, Germany, Britain.  Net2phone needs a computer, and a good Internet connection. Bad third world internet access may result in inferior sound quality and reliability (try yourself for free).  Net2phone download Compare also IConnecthere (Deltathree), and IP Telephony Hardware: computer and laptop cards that allow you to improve sound quality and plug a real phone or even cordless phone into your computer.

Traveltel Website

TravelTel Rates

TravelTel Registration

Traveltel: Prepaid Telephone card. Pay directly over the internet. Good for travels to over 40 countries. If you spend much time at the same place, you yourself can reprogram your Access Authority callback to that place, and get better rates.  In Germany and US Access Authority offers cheaper direct access via 800 number. If you need to use ever changing phones in foreign countries, then use Traveltel. Rates are much higher than callback. Rates from Switzerland, USA, everywhere.
 Other Callback      
CogniDial callback (either prepaid or billed to your credit card), Kallback. Compare the rates!!

You need a multi media computer with microphone and loudspeaker. Important: a headphone improves sound quality dramatically, avoiding echo and other problems associated with speaker phones.

net2phone ip telephone software is available for free and has to be installed in your computer.  Then you can test net2phone for free with US 800 and 888 toll free numbers.

If you like it, you can make a prepayment with your credit card. Note: if your internet connection si good and fast, then net2phone quality is as good as a normal phone. Often, at peak internet traffic, connections are slow, and nettophone sound quality gets a bit choppy. At 4 am it works well almost anywhere in the world, as long as you have a 28.8 k dialin connection

Hints, suggestions for net2phone

  1. 800 directory to find all the phone numbers you can make free phone calls to
  2. Net2phone details and signup
  3. Download net2phone
  4. Net2phone rates  
  5. Charge account
  6. order form for faxing if you do not like the online signup
  7. secure order directly with net2phone only after you downloaded and installed net2phone.


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